If you were told to look for vehicle coverage where would start? If you are the typical sixteen seventeen year old and own a personal computer you are automatically going to the internet. This is the first place we now go for everything. Is it because we gave up on the yellow pages of the telephone book? No, not really it is because we can have the information at our fingertips in the matter of minutes. Everyone is getting used to having information within the first ten minutes that if it takes longer than that why bother. Do you think an auto insurance webpage has the information available to answer that quickly? Yes, I do.
Why, because if they want to stay competitive in a technology driven world they will make it happen where they provide enough information for the person to make the final telephone call or provide the contact information that is needed for the agent to call them back. At some point there is information that will need to be verified. Initial information can be preliminary and for that you can answer yes and no simple questions. For example, some of the questions could be are you over eighteen? Do you have a current drivers license? Do you have current auto insurance? What state do you live in?
These few questions will tell you whether or not you will be able to make payments or make a onetime payment to get started on your auto insurance premium. The age will tell you whether or not you are eligible for a discount being under or over twenty five. The state will give you an idea if auto insurance rates because all states are not created equal when it comes to auto insurance rates. If you are able to get contact information after answer the few questions listed above then you most likely have a very good chance at providing auto insurance to this new client. People want information and not a life story.
So unless you are asked a bunch of questions let the auto insurance company sticks to the answers. If you look at it another way with the technology, yes we are getting the information quicker and we are becoming a population that does not always like to talk. Instead we want the bottom line and that is the cost of your auto insurance.
1 komentar: on "Auto Insurance and Internet"
Wow, great article, I really appreciate your thought process and having it explained properly, thank you!
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