Last October I was in a horrible automobile accident, I was taken to the hospital by ambulance. I had surgery done on my legs that night, and since I have had 5 reconstruction surgeries. My balance left over from just the hospital, after insurance is $8943.00. I lost my job due to all the surgeries, and I am still confined to a wheelchair in leg cast, and have been since the accident.My doctor has actually told me that I can never work again, and for me to file for my Social Security Disability.
I called the hospital to try to work out a payment arrangement, I offered them $25.00 a month, since my husband is the only one working, this is all I am able to pay, I owe alot of different doctors, ex-rays, hospital bills. They would not agree to the payment over the phone, said they had to mave $1490.00 a month. I told them that I would still mail them the payment, I am trying to fullfill my obligations.
Well I know that they are not required to accept my payment, however have been mailing it since Nov 2008, and they are still depositing them. Now I get notice from a collection company, demanding payment. I have always had perfect credit and I do not want this CC to report on my credit, although I probably am living in lala land.
My question is Can anyone help me, or post a sample of a letter telling the CC that:
1) I am not currently working due to the accident, and have no estimated date on when I will be able to
2) Currently applying for my SS Disabiltiy
3) I am trying to repay the debt, and that all I can afford is the $25.00 per month already paying
If they see I am not employed, etc, will they leave me alone?
These balances are not left over from the hospitals billing the insurance for too much money, they adjusted those.
These are medical bills, etc that I got after losing my job, and having to have more surgeries, etc done. The hospital bill was around 29,333.00, they gave me a no insurance discount bringing it down to the $8,000 range.
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